Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 4

Day 4 and still holding strong.  Did that sound convincing?  I don't know how you guys feel but day 1 was a lot easier then day 4.  It took everything in me not to dip my hand into my son's stale Halloween candy last night.  But I didn't!  I am trying hard to pay attention to how my body feels not consuming dessert type food for me and I truly do have more energy.  

One of my clients recently expressed her frustration with the comment ' what the hell is my supposed to eat?'  ( you know who you are!)  and my response to her was to look at this as an opportunity to try new foods and I am trying to follow my own advice.  Try new vegetables, try hardier breads, try new recipes.  You may be surprised to find something that you like!  If you do find something that you like, please share it!  

6 days left!!!  Keep on keeping on....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Melissa, so far so good here too, except it does seem to be getting harder...and the weekend is here...and someone at work just announced that baklavah is in the next cube available for anyone that wants some! I love baklavah, and it is a rare treat, I really don't know if I'll make it!